The World Book Capital Application Form serves as a way of collecting information from Member States' cities that wish to apply for the title of World Book Capital, the next one being 2026.
This application form, duly completed, must be submitted online. For any enquiries please contact
Please provide the supplementary documents to complete your application as stated in the Application Guidelines at
Application guidelines can be found online through the link or through the official website.
Important: Applications that are not received in the required format, as well as those that are incomplete and/or received after the below-mentioned deadline, will not be considered.
Responses will be saved automatically on pressing the ‘Next’ button. A candidate may save, and safely quit, their application by pressing ‘Resume Later’. All sections marked with a red asterisk* are obligatory.
To ensure that you do not lose any of your progress, in case you accidentally exit the Online Survey without clicking "Save and Resume later", please make sure to first record your answers in a draft word document.
Deadline for submission: Applications must be fully submitted online by midnight, CET, on 10th of May.
There are 54 questions in this survey.